Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Educational Table (DRH43)

59,99 €

Fisher Price


Fisher Price Laugh & amp; Learn Training Table (DRH43) .The baby will discover different activities in each corner of the training table. Rotate the scroll bar to listen to animal songs and press buttons to learn shapes in Greek and English. Each time the baby opens or closes the barn door, a different animal greets him. Press the keys to play the piano and learn numbers, food & amp; colors. Open & amp; close the door to hear the dog singing the alphabet and turn the switch to find out otherwise. The baby presses the button and picks up the dog, while a new place to visit is lit up! Many activities with buttons and switches occupy the baby. You can also add legs to the toy to make the baby play sitting or standing as he grows up. Every baby learns & amp; plays in different ways. Thanks to Smart Stages & trade technology; you can choose the educational stage you want according to your child's needs! Change the level to change the educational content with different phrases, songs & amp; sounds! Level 1 .Exploring. The first words and sounds are heard that catch the baby's attention. Level 2 . Encouragement. The baby listens to simple questions or instructions. Level 3 .Imitation. A toy that entertains the baby and encourages imitation play.

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